Second Monitoring Report

Agency compliance with Regulations 69, 85 and 86 of the Oranga Tamariki (National Care Standards and Related Matters Regulations)

Second monitoring report


All agencies were compliant with regulations 69, 85 and 86 from a policy and procedure perspective.

In response to regulations 69 and 85, Barnardos and Dingwall Trust reported no cases of abuse or neglect and therefore testing of their compliance was not required.

Open Home Foundation reported one allegation of abuse or neglect and Oranga Tamariki reported 392 allegations of abuse or neglect.

Based on information provided, Open Home Foundation was compliant with regulations 69 and 85.

Based on information provided, Oranga Tamariki was only partially compliant with regulation 69. It has been successful in ensuring a child’s plan is reviewed, and there has been improvement in reviewing caregiver plans and providing support. Three primary areas for improvement were identified:

  • The timeliness of investigations and assessments following an allegation of abuse or harm.
    Letting tamariki
    Children (plural) aged 0-13 yearsView the full glossary
    , rangatahi
    Young person aged 14 – 21 years of ageView the full glossary
    , and relevant parties know about the outcome of the allegation.
    Providing assurance over allegations, where a decision is made, either at the Oranga Tamariki National Contact Centre or a local site, that no further assessment is required.
    Based on information provided, Oranga Tamariki was compliant with regulation 85.

Reporting on the full regulations from December 2020 and annual reporting will help shape a more complete picture of practice against the NCS Regulations
(National Care Standards and Related Matters) Regulations 2018 View the full glossary

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Agency responses