Contacts | Ngā hoapaki

Worried about someone?

If you, or a child or young person you know is in immediate danger call the Police - dial 111

For non-urgent concerns about a child or young person you are worried about, or who is already in care, contact Oranga Tamariki - Dial 0508 FAMILY (0508 326 459) or email

VOYCE Whakarongo Mai

An independent advocacy service for children in care and can help connect you with other services. Find out more at

Freephone: 0800 4VOYCE (0800 486 923) or send a message online

Youth Law

Free legal services for all tamariki and rangatahi, or people making enquiries on their behalf. Find out more at

Phone Youth Law on 0800 884 529 or email

Need to talk?

If you need to talk about how you're feeling right now, trained counsellors are available free of charge at anytime of the day or night. Find out more at  

Free call or text anytime on 1737

What's Up

A free helpline and online chat service for children and young people ages 5-18. Find out more at 

Call 0800 WHATSUP (0800 942 8787) from 11am to 11pm. 

Online chat is available at from 11am to 10.30pm every day.


A free helpline that supports young people aged 12 years and over. Find out more at

Call 0800 376 633, free text 234 or email

Caring Families Aotearoa

Caring Families Aotearoa supports caregivers of children in care. Find out more at 

Freephone: 0800 693 323 or email:

Oranga Tamariki

Oranga Tamariki has a caregiver support line 0508 227 377 and a webpage with resources for caregivers:

Need to talk?

If you, or someone you know, needs to talk about how they're feeling right now, trained counsellors are available free of charge at anytime of the day or night. Find out more at

Free call or text anytime on 1737

If you have a concern about Oranga Tamariki or another custody or care provider you can make a complaint. 

You can make a complaint with Oranga Tamariki or the provider first. If you’re not sure about doing that, or your complaint is about more than one organisation, then you can talk to someone at the Ombudsman.

For Tamariki or Rangitahi in care, VOYCE – Whakarongo Mai can work with you to understand your rights and help you express your views on any matter. This includes supporting you to resolve issues or make a complaint. 

Download the PDF guide to getting support and making a complaint in the oranga tamariki system. 

Making a complaint about Oranga Tamariki

If you have a concern about Oranga Tamariki, or a provider contracted to Oranga Tamariki, you can make a complaint.

You can make a complaint with Oranga Tamariki or the provider first. If you’re not sure about doing that then you can talk to someone at the Ombudsman.

Making a complaint about Oranga Tamariki:

Making a complaint about another custody and care provider

If you have a concern about another providers with custody and care responsibilities, you can make a complaint to the provider first. If you're not sure about doing that then you can talk to the Ombudsman.

Open Home Foundation has information how to make a complaint on its website at

Barnardos also has information about how to make a complaint on its website at

How the Ombudsman can help

If you aren’t happy with the response from Oranga Tamariki, or another provider, you can make a complaint to the Ombudsman.

If you’re feeling unsure about making a complaint or just want advice, contact the Ombudsman and they will help you. It’s free and you won’t get in trouble.

Find out more on the Ombudsman’s website or contact the Ombudsman by email or phone 0800 184 184.


Making a complaint about the NZ Police

The Independent Police Conduct Authority (IPCA) handles complaints about the NZ Police.

To make a complaint, go to or email or phone 0800 503 728.

Making a complaint about health and disability services

Find out how to make a complaint about a health or disability service from the Health and Disability Commissioner

A health and disability advocate can help you, contact or 0800 555 050.

Making a complaint about schools or other education providers

The Ministry of Education has information on making a complaint about schools or other education providers at

Appealing a Family Court decision

You can appeal a decision made by the Family Court to the High Court. You have 20 working days to file your appeal.

For more information, talk with your lawyer or contact a Community Law Centre (you’ll find details for a local one at

Help for people who have experienced abuse in care

People who have experienced abuse in state, faith-based, or other forms of care can access support from Survivor Experiences Service