Our values and policies|Ō mātou uara me ngā kaupapa here
How we work
Underpinning our work are our principles of being child-centred (within the context of their whānau Whānau refers to people who are biologically linked or share whakapapa. For the Monitor’s monitoring purposes, whānau includes parents, whānau members living with tamariki at the point they have come into care View the full glossary) and having te ao Māori The Māori worldView the full glossary lens across all that we do.
Working with others enables us to achieve our goal of improving outcomes for tamariki and rangatahi. We build relationships based on respect and trust, reciprocity, a common focus, cohesiveness and proactive engagement.
Our values
Kia Māia – Courageous
We are brave, bold, capable and confident. This means we:
stand up for what is right
tell the truth, even when it isn’t popular.
Manaaki – Respectful
We show respect and care for others. This means we:
respect diversity of thought, action, and culture
have a child-centred and te ao Māori The Māori worldView the full glossary perspective woven throughout our work
look out for each other and make work a safe place for our colleagues.
Kia Pono, Kia Tika – Trustworthy
We are honest and genuine and do the right thing. This means we:
admit when we don’t know the answer
cross-check our data
do what we say we will and communicate in a timely manner if we can’t.
Kia Huritao – Reflective
We are considered and reflective. This means we:
learn from experience, value feedback, and always look for opportunities to improve
take the necessary time to make the best decisions we can
Build knowledge, experience, capability and understanding of tikanga Correct procedure, the customary system of values and practices that have developed over time and are deeply embedded in the social context View the full glossary Māori and te reo to confidently engage with whānau Whānau refers to people who are biologically linked or share whakapapa. For the Monitor’s monitoring purposes, whānau includes parents, whānau members living with tamariki at the point they have come into care View the full glossary, hapū Sub-tribeView the full glossary and iwi TribeView the full glossary.
Seek advice and use empathy and judgement to adapt to the context and circumstances.
Learn about and respect cultural similarities and differences and appreciate diversity
Our child-centred, whānau-led practice means we:
Use experience, knowledge and capabilities to confidently engage with tamariki and their whānau.
Ensure that there is an understanding that a child needs to be seen in the context of their whānau.
Use experience and knowledge to make children’s participation and the voice of tamariki front and centre.
Through our work, we are committed to improving the lives of tamariki and rangatahi, enabling them to realise their potential with the support of their whānau, hāpu, iwi and communities. It is the right thing to do and they deserve no less.
Protecting the safety and privacy of the people we hear from are fundamental requirements of the work we do. The core policies below are the foundations of our mahi WorkView the full glossary. You'll find more about how we work on our what we do page.