Part Five: Supporting children and young people during care transitions

Supporting us when we change placements

Each part of the NCS Regulations
(National Care Standards and Related Matters) Regulations 2018 View the full glossary
outlines what meeting these will mean for tamariki
Children (plural) aged 0-13 yearsView the full glossary
and rangatahi
Young person aged 14 – 21 years of ageView the full glossary
in care. This page summarises what tamariki and rangatahi are currently experiencing under Part Five of the Regulations.

We want to be involved in plans and decisions about us, and we have big goals for our future.

Many of us experience changes to where we live, and some of us get to go home to our mum or dad. Just under half of us return home unexpectedly, without planning, and Oranga Tamariki isn’t always there to check that we are okay.

Many of us have been offered help from a transition support service to get ready to leave care as an adult. Some of us are eligible for this help but haven’t been told about the transition support service yet, or are referred to it too late.

Many of us have good relationships with our transition workers. Our transition workers listen to us and help us get some of the things we need as we become independent.

While lots of us are referred to the transition support service, for most of us Oranga Tamariki hasn't checked that we have everything we need to live on our own as an independent adult, before we turn 18. The life skills assessment helps to understand how ready we are to live independently, like cooking food and paying bills, having somewhere to live, and have basics like a bank account and IRD number.

Some of us struggle to find a safe place to live and have ended up in places that aren’t good for us.

Part Five of the NCS Regulations
(National Care Standards and Related Matters) Regulations 2018 View the full glossary
requires that tamariki
Children (plural) aged 0-13 yearsView the full glossary
and rangatahi
Young person aged 14 – 21 years of ageView the full glossary
are well supported during care transitions. This includes transitions between different care arrangements, returning home after being in care, and transitioning out of care into adulthood.

Tamariki and rangatahi must understand why they are moving and receive information about where they are moving to before the transition. An assessment and plan must be completed with them and other important people in their life or those involved in the transition. For example, their whānau
Whānau refers to people who are biologically linked or share whakapapa. For the Monitor’s monitoring purposes, whānau includes parents, whānau members living with tamariki at the point they have come into care View the full glossary
, their current and/or future caregiver, or kaimahi at the residence they are moving to.

Tamariki and rangatahi must also receive support based on their unique needs as identified in their assessment, and transition plans must be monitored during the transition.

For rangatahi who are transitioning to adulthood, an assessment of their life skills is required. This assessment considers whether rangatahi have the knowledge and skills they need to live independently and enables support to be put in place if they don’t. The life skills assessment considers practical things like managing money, cooking and driving but also domains like managing relationships and community support.

Rangatahi transitioning to adulthood must also know about and understand their entitlements once they leave care or custody. For example, rangatahi must be told of their entitlement to receive advice and assistance up until they turn 25.

Oranga Tamariki data shows that a quarter of tamariki
Children (plural) aged 0-13 yearsView the full glossary
and rangatahi
Young person aged 14 – 21 years of ageView the full glossary
experienced a change in where they lived within the last year. Half of these changes were unexpected, and of these, fewer than one in five had their All About Me or other plans updated to record the necessary steps to support their move.

Tamariki and rangatahi returning home are still not getting the support they need during this high-risk change, with less than a third visited as required by Oranga Tamariki policy. This low rate of visits is similar to last year.

For rangatahi who are moving into adulthood, the Transition Support Service is helpful and a higher number of rangatahi are using the service. However, a quarter of eligible rangatahi are not being referred.

Transition Support Service providers have expressed concerns about the timeliness of referrals and the quality of information they get from Oranga Tamariki. This impacts on transition workers’ ability to build a trusting relationship with rangatahi and to set them up well for their transition to adulthood.

Whether or not rangatahi choose to engage with the Transition Support Service, Oranga Tamariki is responsible for the completion of transition planning and life skills assessment. This responsibility is not being fulfilled.

A high proportion of changes in care are unexpected

One in four tamariki
Children (plural) aged 0-13 yearsView the full glossary
and rangatahi
Young person aged 14 – 21 years of ageView the full glossary
had a care transition in the last year. Disabled tamariki and rangatahi are more likely to have had a care transition. Like previous years, around half of these were unexpected1.

Oranga Tamariki data

Unexpected care transition

45%2021/2022 55%2022/2023 53%2023/2024

For expected transitions the Oranga Tamariki lead indicator shows there was “sufficient evidence of transition planning” for 82 percent of tamariki and rangatahi. This rate has gradually decreased over the past three years.

Oranga Tamariki Lead indicator 20

Where there is an expected transition for tamariki to a new care arrangement, planning has occurred to support a successful transition

89%2021/2022 85%2022/2023 82%2023/2024

Oranga Tamariki data also shows that only 14 percent of All About Me or other plans were updated when there was an expected care transition. This is significantly lower than previous years.

Oranga Tamariki data

Where there was an expected care transition, All About Me or other plans were updated

30%2021/2022 30%2022/2023 14%2023/2024

Where tamariki and rangatahi experienced an unexpected care transition, 57 percent of the time there was evidence of planning2 and 17 percent of All About Me or other plans were updated after their transition to record the necessary steps to support their transition. This is a reduction from 27 percent last year.

Oranga Tamariki data

Where there was an unexpected care transition, All About Me or other plans updated

29%2021/2022 27%2022/2023 17%2023/2024

In our monitoring this year, we heard a mix of positive and negative experiences from some tamariki and rangatahi about their involvement in transition planning. 

“Sometimes I would get like an hour’s notice that I was going to a new place – no warning, just got told ’pack your bags’ and go.” RANGATAHI

“It’s [plan] not being communicated. I called my social worker to [ask them to] tell me as soon as you know. I want to be planning months in advance. You never hear from them, they never know. It’s very stressful because you do need to know where you are going, and you don’t.” RANGATAHI

“I have had a say in what I want. It has been perfectly fine. They have heard what I have said and have made things happen.” RANGATAHI

Tamariki and rangatahi who return home are still not being visited enough

This year approximately 14 percent of tamariki and rangatahi in care were living at home with their parent/s during the reporting period. As outlined in Part Four, returning home has an increased risk of harm. Oranga Tamariki policy requires social workers to visit often and suggests at least once a week for the first four weeks following the return. Oranga Tamariki practice did not reflect this policy. 

Once tamariki and rangatahi had returned home, only 29 percent were visited as required by Oranga Tamariki policy (weekly for at least a month or at the frequency based on their assessed need). This is a decrease from 35 percent in 2022/23. 

Oranga Tamariki data

Tamariki/rangatahi that returned home were visited as required

18%2021/2022 35%2022/2023 29%2023/2024

Those who experienced an unexpected transition home were visited less often, with only 15 percent visited as Oranga Tamariki policy requires. 

Child visited weekly for at least the first month (or to the planned frequency) after returning home for:

Expected return home

19%2021/2022 35%2022/2023 39%2023/2024

Unexpected return home

16%2021/2022 35%2022/2023 15%2023/2024

The whānau
Whānau refers to people who are biologically linked or share whakapapa. For the Monitor’s monitoring purposes, whānau includes parents, whānau members living with tamariki at the point they have come into care View the full glossary
members we heard from about returning home told us that when tamariki and rangatahi returned home it was unplanned and unsupported. One parent told us they had two days’ notice of their tamariki returning home and received no support from the social worker.

We heard from whānau that lack of access to appropriate housing options continues to be a barrier to tamariki and rangatahi returning home. This was also a finding from our in-depth review, Returning Home from Care3, and reflects the misalignment of policies across government agencies.

For several years Oranga Tamariki and its Safety of Children in Care reports have recognised this is an area that requires improvement, however, we are yet to see evidence of progress.

Oranga Tamariki is not always ensuring rangatahi are ready for adulthood

Around a third of tamariki and rangatahi who were in care, including youth justice, during the reporting year are aged 15 years or older. Around half of these young people have been in care for five years or more and around one third have had more than six caregivers during their time in care. This lack of stability can mean they don’t always have an adult to turn to, and who is there for them.

Rangatahi transitioning out of care or custody experience challenges that other rangatahi do not. Without the right care and support, rangatahi leaving care or custody are more likely to experience negative life outcomes. Data from the IDI shows that rangatahi transitioning out of care are more likely to be involved in offending, more likely to be on a benefit, and half as likely to achieve a tertiary qualification than rangatahi who have not been in care4.

Oranga Tamariki must complete assessment and planning for rangatahi until they leave care. Transition planning must include how rangatahi will acquire the knowledge, skills and resources they need to become independent. As part of this planning, Oranga Tamariki must also assess the life skills of rangatahi and prepare them for their journey towards adulthood.

Meaningful assessment and transition planning helps rangatahi get what they need to thrive as adults. Research shows that rangatahi who felt prepared for their transition from care had been extensively involved in the preparation and planning leading up to the change5.

This year, Oranga Tamariki introduced a new lead indicator for transition to adulthood that looks at transition planning. This shows that, for 68 percent of rangatahi transitioning to adulthood, planning has occurred.

Oranga Tamariki defines planning for this lead indicator broadly. For Oranga Tamariki to determine that planning has occurred there must be either:

  • a formal plan that is informed by the life skills assessment, or
  • a formal plan that is not informed by the life skills assessment or
  • there is no formal plan but evidence of “planning activity”.

When we look more closely at the lead indicator, of the 68 percent represented, approximately one quarter had a formal transition plan, for the remaining three quarters, there was only evidence of a planning activity. Of rangatahi that had a plan, only 21 percent had evidence that the plan was informed by a life skills assessment.

Oranga Tamariki Lead Indicator 21 and Oranga Tamariki data

As in previous years, some rangatahi told us they did not know about their transition plans, or that the plans were not explained clearly to them. Some rangatahi spoke about feeling unsupported in their transition to adulthood and having to do things themselves. 

“I’ve hardly had any support [from Oranga Tamariki]. I need to do everything, and I don’t have my family [to support me] … I have to do everything by myself.” RANGATAHI

“I went out and got my licence and birth certificate by myself.” RANGATAHI

What we heard from rangatahi is consistent with Oranga Tamariki data. Some rangatahi are receiving basic practical assistance to transition to adulthood but are not receiving the required assessment of their life skills. Oranga Tamariki data estimates6 that only 16 percent of rangatahi transitioning to adulthood have a life skills assessment7, and only 38 percent received support to get identification documents or a bank account. 

Oranga Tamariki data

Life skills assessment

43%2021/2022 38%2022/2023 16%2023/2024

Many of the rangatahi we spoke to told us finances were important to them in their transition and highlighted this as an area where they needed more support. 

“I don’t feel supported, as I need financial help which no one is helping enough.” RANGATAHI

“I don’t know how much stuff is and I struggle buying stuff if I need it.” RANGATAHI

The importance of financial literacy skills was also identified in the Oranga Tamariki Just Sayin’ survey8. When asked what skills they wanted for their future, 58 percent of rangatahi who responded to the survey identified wanting to learn money management skills.

Professionals we spoke to said rangatahi can lack the practical skills and knowledge about setting up a home. A life skills assessment is an opportunity for Oranga Tamariki to identify other areas where rangatahi may require further support and assistance.

Oranga Tamariki previously acknowledged that work was required to improve assessment numbers for rangatahi leaving care. Oranga Tamariki advised:

  • new functionality has been added to Whiti, including the status of referral to a transition worker and allocations to providers, the status of transition planning, life skills assessment, key information required (Doctor, IRD, NHI) and upcoming potential entitlement to remain or return arrangements
  • following targeted additional training, referral rates to TSS have increased faster than the national average in Tāmaki Makaurau
    AucklandView the full glossary
    - Auckland
  • a letter of entitlement for rangatahi is being implemented and will become standard practice by February 2025.

Despite this work being underway, life skills assessment numbers have continued to decline.

The Transition Support Service works well for rangatahi who engage with it

Oranga Tamariki is required to provide advice and assistance to rangatahi transitioning to independence. This includes assistance to develop life skills that help rangatahi become independent and information and assistance to access health care, housing and education after they leave care or custody. Completion of life skills assessments and the development of plans by Oranga Tamariki supports the referral of rangatahi to the Transition Support Service.

The Transition Support Service was implemented in July 2019 and then progressively rolled out across the country. Rangatahi can choose whether to be enrolled with a provider or have their Oranga Tamariki social worker support them with this significant life change. Oranga Tamariki remains responsible for the rangatahi and their transition whether the service is engaged or not.

Rangatahi aged between 15 and 25 years who have been in care, whether for care and protection or youth justice reasons, for more than three continuous months are eligible for transition support. Oranga Tamariki contracts several NGOs
Non-government organisationsView the full glossary
across the country to provide transition workers to rangatahi transitioning to independence.

Different providers allocate a transition worker to provide on-going assistance, advice and support for rangatahi moving from care until age 21.

Transition workers help rangatahi with things like understanding their rights and entitlements and finding housing, and can provide a mentoring relationship.

The external transition support service providers are now in their second full year. It appears that the service is becoming more embedded in practice with a higher number of eligible rangatahi choosing to be referred to a provider this year.

Oranga Tamariki data

Referral offered9

However, there are still eligible rangatahi not being offered referrals. Oranga Tamariki data also reflects regional variation, with higher rates of referral being made in Canterbury and Lower South regions compared with other parts of the country.

Where a provider is not providing advice and assistance, this responsibility remains with Oranga Tamariki. Oranga Tamariki has not provided information on how it is meeting compliance for the 31 percent of rangatahi who have declined or not been offered a referral. However, Oranga Tamariki told us about the availability of a helpline for rangatahi to ring for support.

When we spoke with rangatahi, most spoke positively about their transition worker and the support they provided. Rangatahi were aware of what their transition worker could help them with and spoke about help with things like accessing and managing finances, obtaining drivers licences and writing a CV.

“They [Transition Support Service] help you get your driver licence, write your CV, and learn to budget.” RANGATAHI

“Te Iwi
TribeView the full glossary
o Ngāti Kahu have a social worker, who is helping me get a phone. She is trying to help me get a car for work, for course, and also to get here [the gym]. She’s also helped me with the CV - to get interviews for work.” RANGATAHI

“She [transition worker] was really understanding, she didn’t lecture me on things, but she was really there to listen and give me advice on things. I never felt I couldn’t tell her anything.” RANGATAHI

“It [Transition Support Service] helped me because I felt that my choice mattered, and I felt positively impacted.” RANGATAHI 

Oranga Tamariki published results from the fourth year of the Just Sayin’ survey in May 202410. Some survey results are similar to what we heard in our engagements, particularly that most rangatahi reported feeling positive about their transition worker. Within the survey results, rangatahi identified personality, gender and age as factors that were important to them for their transition worker.

Some professionals noted how important it is that rangatahi are allocated the right transition worker, and that this had an impact on rangatahi involvement in their transition. This highlights the importance of having several transition worker options available for rangatahi.

In Canterbury, we heard about the value of the transition panel that is operating there. The transition panel is made up of contracted transition workers who meet regularly to review referrals and allocate transition workers. Transition workers use information provided by the social worker on the referral to find the right match for rangatahi.

“The best collaboration is when the young person is 100% involved.” NGO KAIMAHI

The transition workers rely on their different sets of skills to ensure that rangatahi are getting what they need for their transition to adulthood.

“If we didn’t have [the] panel then rangatahi would have to choose a person to support them in this space and it might not be the right person.” NGO KAIMAHI

“We support each other, [the] panel helps with tricky cases, and we can ring or text each other, we have so much knowledge. One stop shop here – our experience and skills are not just limited to the panel.” NGO KAIMAHI

Unlike previous years, we did not hear from professionals about a shortage of transition workers as being a barrier to the service’s success, however we heard that Oranga Tamariki could do more to support rangatahi into the service. For example, a transition worker told us that some rangatahi are not aware of the role of a transition worker, and/or that their engagement with them is because their social worker told them they had to engage.

“What we’ve found quite a bit is that because that young person has not really made the choice about us that buy-in is really hard, it’s like my social worker told me I had to do this, so the absence of information about our service that they are ‘opting into’ is not good for their sake.” NGO KAIMAHI

Oranga Tamariki published a four-year evaluation of the Transition Support Service in May 202411. The evaluation findings confirm what we heard in our engagements, including that not all rangatahi are getting the transition planning they require and not all are offered transition support.

Earlier and more complete referrals to the Transition Support Service would enable better support for rangatahi

While referrals to transition support services are increasing, there continue to be challenges with the referral itself being of poor quality. Professionals from a transition panel said that when Oranga Tamariki does not provide the right information on referrals it makes it harder to assign the right transition worker and to deliver the service.

Some professionals told us that the quality of information received from social workers was variable. One professional told us that it could be “wildly inconsistent”. They said that when there was a good quality referral, “you can see the young person” in the referral.

“We need to know more at the time of [the] panel but if the social worker keeps information from the panel, it can mean the wrong kaimahi is allocated to the young person.” NGO KAIMAHI As we reported last year, not referring rangatahi to a provider early enough can also be a barrier. A transition worker said they have received referrals two weeks before rangatahi turn 18 and they spend their time “trying to cram in everything”. Having limited time to build a trusting relationship also impacts on the ability to have a well-planned transition. 

While more than half of 16-year-olds have been referred to a service, there are 18-, 19- and 20-year-olds who have not been offered a referral. 

Oranga Tamariki data

Transition Support Services referral offer rates by age (as at 30 June 2024):

Many kaimahi we spoke to told us that early referral to a provider is even more important for disabled rangatahi as there are additional factors to consider for their transition. We were told that working with disabled rangatahi can take longer and transition contract timeframes can be a barrier. In one region we heard that Oranga Tamariki is flexible about contracting arrangements to meet the needs of disabled rangatahi.

“Our partnering for outcomes guy was really awesome about it all, he said ‘we can’t change the contract but let’s write down a standing agreement that you guys are totally fine to work outside what the contract specifications say’.” NGO KAIMAHI 

Safe and stable housing is critical to a successful transition to adulthood

Access to safe and stable housing is fundamental for wellbeing. For rangatahi transitioning to adulthood where they may not have a whānau home to return to, or cannot remain with their caregiver, the need for housing is critical. Understanding the housing needs of rangatahi is part of the life skills assessment and must be part of their formal transition plan.

The OTAP in-depth assessment on housing12 found that existing housing options are not meeting the needs of rangatahi transitioning to adulthood. The assessment noted the complex and high support needs of this group and the importance of government agencies working together to find solutions.

There are a small but consistent number of rangatahi choosing to remain with, or return to living with, a caregiver. Oranga Tamariki support this voluntary arrangement for rangatahi who meet the eligibility criteria. While the use of this option remains stable, the Transition Support Service evaluation13 highlights that the model does not fit the needs of many young people who want to become independent and live alone, with a partner, or with friends.

In our monitoring, we heard examples of iwi and community providers working hard to find stable housing and some rangatahi spoke about their transition worker helping them find housing. Many professionals told us there is a shortage of suitable housing options. They said this can result in rangatahi couch surfing or ending up in unsafe emergency housing. This aligns with the Oranga Tamariki Just Sayin’ survey, which states that eight percent of rangatahi who responded to the survey were living in unstable accommodation (including living rough, in a garage, car or van, motel or couch surfing)14. It is likely that this number does not accurately reflect how many rangatahi are living in these situations. Rangatahi in unstable situations may be less likely to engage with a survey or be put off by factors like stigma.

“Housing is massive - safe and stable accommodation. If they don’t have that then everything else falls over.” NGO KAIMAHI

“It’s just a shortage issue, for example young people are couch surfing.” –NGO KAIMAHI

“Sending a young person to emergency housing is like sending a young person to prison.” NGO KAIMAHI

The evaluation15 also identifies housing as the main barrier for rangatahi transitioning to independence. The evaluation acknowledges that continued work by Oranga Tamariki and other government agencies is required to address the systematic barriers to a successful transition.

In Canterbury we heard about an example of information sharing that is having a positive impact on rangatahi transitioning to adulthood. We heard that Oranga Tamariki kaimahi contact the Ministry of Social Development (MSD
Ministry of Social DevelopmentView the full glossary
) when there are high risk rangatahi due to exit care. They make contact six months ahead of the discharge date so that MSD can proactively find accommodation for rangatahi and avoid using emergency housing options.

We were told about one rangatahi who had a transition plan with Oranga Tamariki, was receiving support from a provider, and was helped by MSD into a shared tenancy with a sibling.

Professionals told us about other ways they are supporting rangatahi into housing despite the on-going housing shortage. Te Aroha Noa Community Services in Palmerston North told us they had success by running a housing group to help rangatahi to find suitable housing. In addition to providing guidance about how to set up a home, Te Aroha Noa Community Services engaged with a local rental agency that gave rangatahi tips and advice on applying for rental properties. We heard that the housing group has resulted in successful tenancy agreements for rangatahi.

Other professionals told us about the Oranga Tamariki supported accommodation service16 options in their regions and their success for rangatahi moving towards independence. We were told about flats available for rangatahi transitioning to independence at Whakatū marae in Nelson. Rangatahi living in the flats are supported by marae social workers and other kaimahi. We were told that some of the success of this housing option is due to the contract being well funded by Oranga Tamariki.

Oranga Tamariki also acknowledged the success of its supported accommodation service in its review published in October 202317. The review found that the supported accommodation service has allowed more rangatahi to have safe and stable living arrangements. The review included recommendations to improve the service, such as providing more supported accommodation options in some regions. The review highlighted the need for accommodation options that meet the needs of a broader range of rangatahi.

Supporting tamariki and rangatahi during care transitions is critical

Changing placements, returning home, leaving care or custody, and transitioning to adulthood are big life changes.

Tamariki and rangatahi needs can change or increase during a period of transition. Supporting tamariki and rangatahi through these changes can lead to improved life outcomes and demands more priority.

1 We have previously referred to ‘unexpected’ care transitions as urgent or unplanned transitions and ‘expected’ care transitions as planned transitions. Oranga Tamariki updated its description of these transitions.
2 Oranga Tamariki assumes that planning can take place both before and after a transition to a new care placement. Where Oranga Tamariki is unaware of the care transition until after tamariki
Children (plural) aged 0-13 yearsView the full glossary
have moved, those completing case file analysis are asked to look for sufficient evidence that Oranga Tamariki took steps to support the transition as soon as it could after the move.
3 [August 2023].
5 Phillip Mendes, Guy Johnson and Badal Moslehuddin,
6 This is based on QPT data and is an estimate of the overall proportion of rangatahi
Young person aged 14 – 21 years of ageView the full glossary
transitioning to adulthood.
9 Figures for 2021/22 differ slightly from those published in last year’s report (Experiences of Care in Aotearoa
New ZealandView the full glossary
2022/23), the figures have been revised by Oranga Tamariki.
10 Just Sayin’ is an annual survey of rangatahi eligible for Transition Support Services.
16 The supported accommodation service is delivered by community agencies contracted by Oranga Tamariki to provide housing and support services for rangatahi transitioning from care to independent living.